About Us
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The Name "Our Heart"
Maranatha is an aramaic word and greeting used by the early church that has three meanings:
The Lord came, The Lord is coming, Come Lord!
I can think of no better word that serves as an anchor and reminder of our mission and hope as followers of King Jesus. It challenges me to live in light of the cross and the Kingdom that is both now and yet to come. My heart is for all of Houston, Texas, and beyond to have a burning heart that cries out Maranatha!
So that clarifies Maranatha but what about that other word "Collective"?
The Name "Our Model"
We desire to be a "Collective" of microchurches aligned around the Maranatha heartcry that exist to catalyze disciple making movements in our region and beyond.
The Strategy
God has not called us to just plant a church but rather to plant the gospel, live as missionaries, and launch a disciple making movement (DMM) that will lead to a church planting movement (CPM) in Texas that provides support, training, and resources to equip the saints to answer His call.
In order to do this God has birthed in our heart a commitment to pursue a model and strategy that leads to multiplication rather than addition. It's not that addition is bad it's just insufficient to keep up with population growth, let alone fulfill the Great Commission.
The Need
"We are strategically small to reach them ALL."
Like it or not but the statistics for the church in our fast changing western culture are sobering. So we are convinced that we need to deploy a strategy that is not only ready to meet the challenges facing us now but twenty years from now. Did you know that 70% of the people in a given city will never darken the doors of a traditional church building? That means that we need to take the Great Commission seriously and GO out to them, where the harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers sadly are few.
Our mission is to lead people to truly know God and to
follow Him by faith until all of Houston and beyond cries out "Maranatha!"

It’s a vision of disciples multiplying disciples, churches multiplying churches, & networks multiplying networks resulting in the liberty, hope, and good news of Jesus sturating and renewing our family's, neighborhoods, & cities.
We see the first fruits of significant
Gospel movement right here in the U.S. The question is whether or not we
will join God as He invites His Church to step out beyond a building and into the harvest field of everyday life in order to see a multiplying Gospel planted among the unchurched in every sphere
of culture.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can be a part of the Maranatha Collective, whether you’re ready to see a new microchurch emerge, you currently lead a microchurch, or you’d just like to find an extended spiritual family on mission, we think having coffee or connecting with someone from our leadership circle is a great next step.